How Changing Your Environment Is The Key To Success

Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity


Whether you realize it or not, your environment is continuously (literally 24/7) influencing you. This can either be a force for good that helps you achieve your goals and win at life — or it can take your dreams and ambitions to the grave.

Essentially, your environment is made of everything from the people you spend most time with, the space you work and live in, the things you read, listen to and watch, the people you follow on social media and much, much more.

The hard truth is that all of these elements in your surroundings influence your thoughts, belief system, mindset, motivation, what standard you set for yourself and what goals you set for yourself. That’s quite a big deal isn’t it?

In fact, I dare to say that you’re only as good as your environment is.

Surroundings Part 1: The Power of Your Social Circle

We feel like we are in control of what we say, think and do. In reality, however, we’re mostly a product of our environment. Without realizing it, we are truly the average of our environment. As author and entrepreneur Tim Ferriss said:

“You are the average of the five people you associate with most, so do not underestimate the



Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity

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