How To Reach Flow State (Using 10 Flow State ‘Triggers’)

Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity
Published in
9 min readFeb 12, 2019


Photo by Josh Riemer on Unsplash

Think about the last time where you were engaged in an activity and you simply lost track of time.. You were focused like a ninja, you felt amazing and it seemed as if there was nothing else on this planet besides you and your activity.

This is what they call ‘flow state’.

Flow state is a very powerful state of mind where you are extremely productive and also feel great. You don’t have to force yourself to work hard. Rather, it seems to go automatically. It seems as if you are ‘flowing’ through your work.

The truth is, getting into flow state is not something that happens ‘by accident’, you can actually put yourself in flow state proactively. You just need to know what triggers you to get there. And that’s what we’re going to talk about in this article.

Flow State = Happy State

Most people assume that relaxation makes them happy. They want to work less and spend more time in the hammock. However, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s (author of the book ‘Flow State’) studies reveal that most people have this wrong.

“The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times… The best moments usually occur if a person’s body or



Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity

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