How To Turn Your Day Around: 5 Decisions That Help Me Get Through Tough Times

"Sometimes, having a bad day is not about cheering yourself up but about not making yourself feel any worse."

Aleid ter Weel
Peak Productivity


Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels

“It’s just one of those days,” I tell my partner as he finds me sitting under a blanket on the couch instead of behind my desk working on a new article.

I’ve been having many of ‘those days’ lately. Maybe it’s just one of those seasons.

Tough times can’t be fixed. There’s no magic pill that will suddenly make you feel happier. But I have found that making a few helpful decisions during these days makes them easier to breathe through.

I Get Off My Phone

Two years ago, when I still used Instagram, I found that I could easily lose hours to scrolling my social media feed on the couch alone when I was feeling my lowest.

I really didn’t know why I did it. There were so many other things I knew would have made me feel better.

And then the thought of wanting to go offline but not going offline made me feel even worse.

Our phones are both a coping mechanism and a cause for anxiety. First, you feel down, so you grab your phone to relieve stress. Then your…



Aleid ter Weel
Peak Productivity

Articles on digital minimalism, living offline, and happiness | Support my work and get unlimited access on Medium: