Science Says Meditation Will Make You More Productive

Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity
Published in
5 min readMar 6, 2019


I have to admit, I was highly sceptical about meditation before I started doing it. I never really considered myself as a highly spiritual person and I definitely don’t always resonate with some of the spiritual woo-woo that is attached to it.

But, as I studied high performers across all kinds of different industries, I found that the biggest majority of them implemented the meditation habit on a daily basis. Thus, I decided to give it a go.

A few years later and I realize how wrong I was to doubt meditation. In fact, I dare to say that in ten years meditation will be just as ingrained in our society as exercise is right now. Not only do I base this on my personal experiences with meditation, but also on the hundreds of studies that have proven the incredible benefits of meditation.

Although the benefits of meditation range anywhere from lower stress levels to improved memory, I’ll specifically focus on how meditation makes you much more productive.

Meditation ‘Strengthens’ Your Prefrontal Cortex

The primary reason why meditation is so beneficial to your productivity level is that, according to research, meditation ‘strengthens’ the prefrontal cortex. To be more precise, there’s a strong correlation between meditation…



Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity

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