This Evening Routine Boosts My Productivity, Sleep, and Health

Why my evening routine is even more important than my morning routine.

Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity


Lately, I’ve been focusing much more on my evening routine — and I’m absolutely loving it. I have to admit, I’ve neglected evening routines for years as I thought a morning routine was the holy grail of peak performance. I mean, that’s what you read all around the internet, and I’ve had my share in that as well.

Now, my perspective has changed, and I believe my evening routine is even more beneficial than my morning routine. Let me explain why I think that’s the case, and what my evening routine looks like.

The 3 Main Goals of Evening Routines

In my experience, evening routines serve three main goals:

  1. Improve your sleep quality
  2. Make the next day smoother, more productive, and healthier
  3. Reflect on the day to extract the lessons and insights from it

These three outcomes have a profound impact on your overall health, productivity, and performance.

Goal 1: Improve Your Sleep

Study after study has proven that one of the best things you can do for your…



Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity

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