Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity
Published in
3 min readNov 1, 2018


Whenever I’m thinking about procrastinating and I’m not feeling ‘it’, I ask myself 1 simple question that changes it all. After asking myself this question and coming up with the obvious answer, I find myself being much better able to come up with the discipline necessary to work despite feeling unmotivated. This question immediately sparks something within that makes overcoming procrastination much, much easier.

So what is this magic question? Well, I’ll tell you:

‘What Would (Insert Role Model) Do?’

It’s an incredibly simple but confrontational question that’ll help you get motivated and come up with the discipline to stop procrastinating. When you ask yourself this question, you immediately see the contrast between you and your role model. You clearly see that procrastinating is unacceptable, as your role model wouldn’t do it either. Whenever I’m not on top of my game or I find myself slacking, this is the question I ask myself.

‘What Would My Role Model Do?’ can be used for many different things in life, but I’ll focus specifically on how it helps get you motivated and disciplined in order to fight procrastination. Let’s say that you have your own business and you find yourself procrastinating more than you want to. You can then ask yourself: ‘What Would A Successful Entrepreneur Do?’ or ‘What Would Gary Vaynerchuk Do?’ or ‘What Would Elon Musk Do?’

Of course, the answer is simple: they wouldn’t procrastinate. That’s not how they got their success and achievements. If they’d be procrastinators, they wouldn’t be in the position to be your role models. Now, by seeing this contrast between you and your role models, it should become much easier for you to come up with the necessary discipline in order to say: ‘Screw it, I’m going to do what my role model is doing. I’m not going to procrastinate, I’m going to crush it.’

You can ask yourself this question for any walk of life and any goal you have. If you’re serious about building muscle mass, every time you feel unmotivated and think about procrastinating, you can ask yourself ‘What Would Arnold Schwarzenegger Do? or ‘What Would Dwayne Johnson Do?’.

If your goal is to write a book but you’re procrastinating on writing the book, you can ask yourself ‘What Would Ryan Holiday Do?’ or ‘What Would (Insert Favorite Author) Do?’

I think you get the point…

The power of asking yourself this question is that you’ll almost always come to the conclusion that your role model isn’t procrastinating. Your role model is hustling. Your role model is coming up with the self-discipline and takes actions despite ‘not feeling like it’. Your role model gets the job done.

Asking this question and being confronted with the answer is what should inspire and motivate you to stop procrastinating and start copying your role model’s behaviour.

To Your Personal Growth,


Founder Personal Growth Lab

Ps. I’ve written a FREE guide for you in order to STOP procrastinating for good. I’ll share 7 strategies that I personally use to stop procrastinating, get motivated and crush my to-do’s daily!

— -> Click Here To Get The FREE Guide NOW

— -> Click Here To Get The FREE Guide NOW



Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity

Turn your existing knowledge & skills into a '$10K Mini-Course' in 7 steps: jariroomer.com/10k-mini-course-guide/