Why You Shouldn’t Go On Your Self-Improvement Journey Alone

Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity


A few days ago, I received an email from one of my readers who indicated having trouble with consistently implementing even the smallest good habits in his life. However, unlike many, this man also understood the main reason why he was having such a hard time with being consistent…

He was going at it alone — and had no one to share his self-improvement with.

This is not something that’s uncommon. Many others who are on their journey of self-improvement and achieving ambitious goals have trouble when they’re going at it alone. It leads to loneliness and lack of accountability.

According to Jordan Peterson, author of the book ’12 Rules of Life’, we are much more likely to take better care for others than for ourselves. In fact, we let ourselves off the hook much quicker and easier compared to letting others off the hook.

When a loved one asks us to help them eat clean, stop procrastinating or go to the gym five times per week, we do so consistently. We check on their progress, make sure they don’t fall off-track and regularly ask them good questions.

However, when it comes to our own goals, habits and objectives, we are much more likely to quit early, procrastinate or slack. And that’s why we need others to support us on our journey of…



Jari Roomer
Peak Productivity

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