10 Free Online Science Courses to Learn a Little of Everything

Artem Zavyalov
6 min readMar 20, 2017


Science encompass the farthest reaches of space and the ground beneath your feet, the future, the past, and everything you’ve seen or experienced. There’s so much to learn about different science topics, and dozens of free online courses to help you expand your mind in whatever directions you want.

These 10 amazing online courses offer free versions and fun learning. While some courses require login to access video materials and interactive course tests, others send summaries on your choice topics straight to your email every day. But wherever you go to get more knowledge, you’ll never run out of things to know.

1. Greatest Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe

A unique, in-depth introduction to astrophysics, this course promises and delivers big. Tackling the biggest questions that physics has yet to answer, this course reviews current research to help students understand the dedication and hard work it takes to solve these mysteries. If you’re looking to get a deep understanding about the cosmos, its history, and its future, this course is exactly what you’re looking for.

Housed at the Australian National University’s first year astrophysics program, the course was developed and instructed by distinguished, prize-winning science educators. Students can make a donation to edX, in exchange for a verified, instructor-signed certificate bearing the University’s logo, which students can attach to resumes and CVs or display online.

2. Astrophysics: The Violent Universe

Huge and fascinating, cosmic objects such as supernova, black holes, and white dwarf stars continue to inspire astrophysicists around the world to gather more information about space.

This course is from the award-winning educator team at Australian National University who also brings you “Greatest Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe.” The instructors explore some of the most violent and bizarre events in the history of physics. Students can again make a donation to edX in exchange for a verified, sharable certificate of completion at the conclusion of the 9 week course.

3. How Science Works

What do we know about science? Although we encounter scientific claims on a daily basis in the modern world, we rarely consider science itself as an object of study. This audio course remedies that. It explores deep questions about scientific knowledge and how science works. For instance: How does science develop reliable knowledge? When should scientists change their beliefs? And do they do so when they should? It draws on the philosophy, history, and sociology of science to give you the tools to think more critically about the science you encounter, offers intellectual conundrums to ponder — and it just might make you a better scientist.

4. Scientific Laws and Theories Everyone Should Know

Science encompasses many fascinating sub-topics trying to answer a range of questions about the natural world. And every scientific discipline has a few fundamental theories and theorists who are known for their work in that field.

In this course from Highbrow, students learn about some of the most important and mysterious scientific theories, including Newton’s laws of motion, Snow’s laws of thermodynamics, Darwin’s theory of evolution, and Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. Even if you’re no science nerd, everyone should know the basics about these commonly applied — and commonly misunderstood — scientific laws and theories.

5. Unknown Scientists Who Changed the World

History is filled with greater and lesser known names. This course from Highbrow makes it easy to learn the names of some of the scientists who impacted each of our lives. Trace the history of science by learning about the doctor who wrote the textbook used throughout Europe for over 500 years, mathematicians who built the basics for your computer and smartphone, and surgeons who discovered that antiseptics after surgery decreased mortalities.

6. Understanding Einstein: The Special Theory of Relativity

We all know Einstein was a genius, which can make tackling his theories slightly intimidating. Over 8 weeks, this course explains Einstein’s work and scientific contributions in thorough detail through a collection of digital materials. Watch videos, complete readings, and submit quizzes to test your understanding.

This course for beginners is designed and developed by a renowned Stanford University Academic Directors. Students can upgrade to a paid version, and when they pass all graded course requirements, they will receive a certificate of completion that they can display online or offline.

7. How Things Work: An Introduction to Physics

Physics works in the world around us every day. In this course, you can learn from 11 hours of videos and learning tools that explain how the world works in real-world examples. Examine how skateboarding works, the science behind why ramps support weight, and why wheels slow because of friction. Learn about fundamental concepts such as gravity, force, torque, and other amazing natural forces.

Created by the University of Virginia, this course offers a certification to students who pass all graded assignments.

8. Math is Everywhere: Applications of Finite Math

It’s often said that people are either creative or analytical, but not both. The designer and instructor of this course, however, is a unique balance of both. Student reviews rave on how this course delves into interesting and offbeat mathematical topics in an engaging and insightful way. Learn about linear functions through examples from Angry Birds. Explore probability and analytics in terms of Google’s searches. And more. While the free version includes all the fun, the paid version allows students access to certificates of completion when they pass all graded course requirements.

9. Geology: Earth Science for Everyone

We walk across millennia of history beneath our feet every day that we often know very little about. This course delves into some of the biggest questions in earth science — such as, how did the earth form? Why are there oceans and land? And what are mountains, really? With overlapping information from chemistry, history, and physics, beginners can understand but more experienced students will enjoy offbeat trivia too.

Taught by a passionate MSc student, the course provides a certificate of completion for their nearly three hours of on-demand video on topics ranging from geological history to chemistry, from volcanoes to submarines.

10. Introduction to Biology — The Secret of Life

Life has many secrets. This course that overviews biology helps students of all levels unlock the secrets of life on Earth. Exploring and explaining DNA, RNA, proteins, and the structures and functions of different types of cells, there are over 100 hours of self-paced material that most students finish over 12 weeks Learn about heredity, diseases, and the technological revolutions in medicine that are changing people’s lives.

Another edX course that offers instructors who are top in the field and a certificate of completion for students who donate and complete all graded course materials.

