22 Questions Self-Aware People Ask Themselves

You’re worth knowing

Michael Thompson
Personal Growth


When speaking on self-awareness, self-made billionaire, Warren Rustand, said the average person doesn’t discover who they are until they’re 45 years old. Then according to Warren, most people don’t begin to do something about it until they’ve had their first heart attack.

This may sound depressing. But if you take the steps to raise your self-awareness, and begin to bet on yourself before the time you retire, you’re ahead of the curve.

Over the last four years, as a career coach, I’ve been collecting the questions that have not only helped me to raise my self-awareness, but also those that have had the biggest benefit on my clients.

When reading the 22 questions below, listen to yourself, and trust your gut. There are no wrong answers, just your answers.

Most of all, write your answers down and schedule regular check-ins with yourself. Doing so will help you to better evaluate your emotions, values, and behaviors while providing you with valuable insights regarding how other people truly see you.

“What get’s measured, gets managed.” —Peter Drucker

1. How much time am I reserving each day for myself?



Michael Thompson
Personal Growth

Co-creator of two cool kids • Storytelling Coach •.Fast Co., Insider, Forbes • Free storytelling guide here: https://bit.ly/3h1KZeT