The Four Most Important Career Lessons for Young Professionals

Ryan Ferguson
Personal Growth
Published in
5 min readDec 16, 2016
Photo Credit: Idriss Fettoul

I probably should have been fired from my first professional job. I had a lot of bad ideas. I would’ve learned a lot from that.

I spent my time and energy protecting my ego. I was caught up worrying about power games and needlessly stressing about authority figures in my workplace.

I had a lot to learn.

You will never have a perfect job.

This is the first lesson.

When you’re starting your career it’s hard to know how dumb you are. Trust me though, you’re delusional.

That’s why you say things like:

“I’m entitled to more than [insert whatever you’re making]”

We start our careers with unreasonable expectations. No matter what happens those expectations are proven wrong. At some point we hit a point where work becomes frustrating. Where co-workers become annoying and new opportunities look more enticing.

At this point the urge is to look for external solutions. To quit and find a new job.

“If I just didn’t have to deal with Joe every day, I would be happy.”

The truth that is so hard to learn early in your career is that there is no perfect job. No matter what you are doing, where you are doing it from, and who you are doing it for, there will always be things you don’t like about your work.

So don’t trust the urge for external solutions.

The excitement and novelty of working for a new company (or for yourself) will wear off. Before long you will once again be stuck with the imperfect reality.

As you compare your current situation to an imagined future, you need to adjust for the pain points that you are not even aware of. You need to learn to rise up to challenges instead of running from them.

Beware of success.

Raises, new opportunities, and removing pain points are all good things. But even though they look sexy from the outside, they will trap you if you are not careful.

Right now, you’re at work reading a story on Medium, wishing you didn’t have to do the work you have to do this afternoon. And you’re starting to think that your job would be better if you made more money.

“If I got paid what I was worth, I would be happy.”

But if you don’t like your job, getting a raise won’t help. The lustre of the new sum deposited in your back account will be gone in four weeks and you will be back to where you are right now.

The same is true of promotions.

As a young person in a company there are probably dozens of roles above you in the organization.

It is easy to think that having one of these jobs will solve this sense of unease you have with your current situation.

You look at the managers who go golfing with clients in the summer, that have nice cars, and assistants. And you think that being in their shoes would make things better.

Having more power just seems better. You sit at your desk wishing for that promotion, but when you get it you won’t be happy.

The shine of your new perks and role will fade faster than you can imagine.

You will be so used to focusing on a better future while feeling unsatisfied with reality, that your habit will be to continue focusing on what you don’t have.

You will reach your goal of becoming the sales manager, you get your raise, new underlings, and a title you can feel proud about. But, three months later you will be frustrated because you are responsible for employees, because you are working way more than you used to and you will start to think that you can’t wait until you can be the Director of Sales and have all these problems go away.

You are stuck in a hamster wheel. Chasing things that appear to be solutions, but always end in disappointment.

Escape the traps.

You need to become skeptical of your motivations.

The mindset you’ve learned and maintained over 17 years of school is garbage. You need to throw it out.

In your school life, success was defined by beating your peers. Getting better grades and going to a better school meant that you were winning. The continuation of this mindset into your career will lead you to 45 years old, single, kids on the weekend, and endless fantasies about starting over at 21.

Getting a job at a prestigious company and making more money than your friends will make you feel good in the moment. But these are just tricks that allow you to prop up your shaky self-esteem.

They help you tell a story that you are winning. That you are better than others, but the reality is that you have sacrificed learning and personal development for small rewards early in your career. You have traded away your future for superficial success and now you would rather stay in bed all day instead of going to work.

Money and status are alluring, but they are pulls you must learn to ignore as a young professional. They lure you into a false sense of security, but trap you in a life that you don’t like. They make you prioritize present moment rewards at the expense of learning and becoming the person you want to be in the future.

The path to becoming who you want to be.

Once you’ve escaped the delusions of the perfect job and superficial success you are ready to walk a new career path.

A path that leads to the person you want to become.

The person YOU want to become.

Not the person your parents, friends, or social circle want you to be. Not the person that will be impressive to the world.

Those on the path are not motivated by money, status, or validation. They are motivated by the desire to become the best version of themselves. To create value and improve every single day.

The path is awareness, understanding, and action.

You learn to see the world around you as it is, not how you wish it were, by mastering your emotional life.

Day by day you learn from experience. You begin to understand yourself, your team, your company, and your industry on a deeper and deeper level.

You learn to test your judgement. You do what you think is right, not what is easy. You do what is right, not what is comfortable.

Each day you see the world through a clearer lens. Each day you learn how to create more value. Each day you move closer to the person you want to become.

You practice every day, but you will never reach your destination. You will never create a perfect career. You will never reach a conclusion in your pursuit of mastery.

You will never be completely satisfied, but you will learn to be satisfied with your incompleteness.

