4 Unusual but Powerful Ways To Take Care of Yourself

This is how you reclaim your power.

Sinem Günel
Personal Growth
Published in
6 min readFeb 11, 2022


Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear “self-care”?

Bubble baths?

Fancy massages?

Expensive vacations?

Whatever it is, it probably sounds comfortable and simple.

The truth, however, is that most of these nice-sounding activities don’t have a significant impact on our lives.

It’s tough conversations and situations that force us to step out of our comfort zone that help us grow into more resilient and confident people.

Even though the following ideas might not sound easy, they’re worth trying because they’ll make sure you live life according to your own terms instead of playing to the rules of others.

You have to change what you consume — inside and out

Just like your body is shaped by the food you eat, your mind is shaped by the content you consume.

If you want to have more energy, look better, feel better, be healthier, and have a calmer mind, you must stop eating, watching, and reading crap.

