5 Smart Reasons You Should Talk Less and Listen More

If you want to be more persuasive start by listening

George J. Ziogas
Personal Growth


Photo: Krakenimages.com / Adobe Stock

It’s a noisy world. We’re constantly bombarded with noise and chatter, whether it’s a commercial blaring on the television screen or a co-worker who never stops chattering. Such unrelenting noise can make quiet people feel uncomfortable and out of place.

If you happen to be naturally quiet, or even introverted, you might feel like a stranger in this land of noise and chatter. But there are benefits to talking less and listening more. Sometimes quiet people who are attentive listeners have the advantage. Here are some benefits of listening more and talking less.

Listening is a sign of respect; talking is a sign of insecurity

Listening is a sign of respect, while talking non-stop chatter may be a sign of insecurity. Some people talk because they need to fill the silence, while others chatter because they like the attention. People who talk more seek the approval that comes from being heard. They want to feel good about their opinions and contributions, so they often talk more than they listen.

If you spend time with someone who talks constantly but doesn’t listen (and doesn’t care if they interrupt others), you could be dealing…



George J. Ziogas
Personal Growth

Vocational Education Teacher | HR Consultant | Personal Trainer | Manners will take you where money won't | ziogasjgeorge@gmail.com