5 Traits of Great Leaders.

Philomon Sylvester
Personal Growth
Published in
4 min readMar 19, 2018
Photo by John-Paul Joseph Henry on Unsplash

Leaders are made, not born. According to Behavioral Theories, people can become leaders through the process of teaching, learning and observation.

Leadership is a set of skills that can be learned by training, perception, practice and experience over time.

Leadership is not a position or a title. It’s about Character, Hard Work, Selflessness, Impact, Inspiration and Influence. You and I can be one too.

Leaders sacrifice themselves for the good of others. — Patrick Lencioni

Those who live for others, and labor, even at a sacrifice, to assist and elevate them, receive the homage of the common heart.

The honored leaders of the past, whose memories are cherished and whose names are treasured as heirlooms of the race, are not those who immured in palaces, spending their lives in extravagant pleasures. But those who have endured hardship, sacrificed ease and even life, in conferring great boons on their generation.

Great Leaders like Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi — Individuals who sought neither wealth nor fame, were selfless, loved justice, were passionate about people and worked for the greater good of others.

Not the rulers of the race, but its benefactors, are revered. Not the high potentates, but the wise statesmen. Not the ambitious warrior, but the devoted patriot, are held in loving remembrance. Not the one who has waded through the blood of others to the throne of a kingdom, but the one who has shed his/her own blood to obtain or defend the liberties of a nation, will find a perennial monument in the grateful heart of posterity.

The Key to Leadership is Influence, not authority.

The greatness of one’s life is seen in the magnitude of its influence.
One of the most effectual ways to make those who are under our authority good, is to be good ourselves. And by our good example to show them the way to be so. Without this, our best instructions will signify but very little, and the main efficacy of them will be lost.

The world is looking for leaders who can bring things to pass. Noble deeds are the stairway leading to greatness and honor. Anyone can influence other lives and anyone can be a leader. It has nothing to do with titles and position. It is about making others better because of our presence. Leaders bring the best out of others by empowering and encouraging them.

A leader is someone who helps improve the lives of others. — Sam Houston.

Those alone are great leaders, who are touched with a true sense and feeling of the wants and miseries of others. They do not only pity and have compassion for them, and wish them well, but extend their helping hand to them, suitably to their miseries.

We may give good words to our indigent neighbors, but if we do not administer relief at the same time, our pretenses to love will be of no benefit to them.

A leader must have knowledge. A leader must be able to teach.

A good life, is a life of study and learning. Leaders must have love of study enough to lead them constantly to endeavor to “increase” in knowledge. That they may be qualified to teach others. Both knowing and willing. Having both skill and will, ability and dexterity to teach others.

Those who are not only wise themselves, but also ready to communicate their wisdom to others. Such whose delight is to instruct the ignorant. Willing to communicate to others what they know and have utterance of speech — the gift of elocution and can convey their ideas of things in plain and easy language, in apt and acceptable words.

A well-balanced mind does the greatest of work.

They have diligence without fussiness. Enthusiasm without fanaticism. Zeal without pugnacity. Determination without obstinacy.

Great Leaders have integrity on the one side and affability on the other. Explicit. Open. Honest. Courteous. Considerate of the feelings of others. In addition, fervor and fidelity, suavity, urbanity and kindness. They have patience which ingenious or sudden provocation cannot upset. Magnanimity which insult cannot ruffle. Gentleness from which no folly can extract an unadvised word.

If you would be trusted, first learn to be honest. If you would rule, first learn how to obey. If you would rise to a more important position, fill the place where you are to overflowing with yourself, and Providence will soon beckon you to a wider sphere. ~ Unknown

