5 Typical Mistakes Socially Intelligent People Avoid Making

When it comes to our turn-offs, most people have a lot in common

Michael Thompson
Personal Growth


Jens Lindner on Unsplash

Growing up with a severe speech impediment and social anxiety, I wasn’t only terrified of meeting new people, I also wasn’t very good at it.

At the age of 23, however, I realized I’d never make anything of myself if this didn’t change. To improve my ability to interact with others, I did the one thing that scared me the most: I took a sales job.

Every time I picked up the phone during the first few weeks, my face turned into a bright red tomato. I got hung up on countless times. But I kept at it. Today, twenty years later, I make my living helping people better navigate their relationships.

I learned a lot during that job. The most important lesson I learned, however, is the fastest way to get things right when dealing with people is by minimizing the things you do wrong.

After all, as human beings, we all like to be treated differently. When it comes to how we don’t like to be treated, however, we are oddly similar.

We will never get every interaction perfect. Every day, however, we have countless opportunities to try to improve them.



Michael Thompson
Personal Growth

Co-creator of two cool kids • Storytelling Coach •.Fast Co., Insider, Forbes • Free storytelling guide here: https://bit.ly/3h1KZeT