6 Ways To Change Your Life in 6 Months (or Less)

Sinem Günel
Personal Growth
Published in
7 min readFeb 20, 2022


Photo by George Milton from Pexels

Let me make a guess about you…

You want changes. And you want them to happen quickly.

You might want to lose weight, earn more money, have better relationships, or just feel better overall.

You know you can have all these things — and you've tried to achieve them more than just once, but you always ended up exactly where you started.

All those good-sounding diets ended up leaving you starving, the gurus promising that you'll become a millionaire in the next 30 days didn't deliver on their promises, and you're starting to lose hope, wondering if there's a way out of your current reality.

The good news is there is a way out.

The bad news is, it might not be as easy as the skinny lady on the ad for the next revolutionary diet made it sound like.

Most significant changes in our lives don't happen overnight.

They happen through small but consistent action.

Radical changes might sound sexier, but the truth is that baby steps will take you a lot further in the long run.

Get rid of the shit

When we want to change our lives, we mostly start by adding new things to our daily routines.

