6 Websites with Great Writing Prompts

Todd Brison
Personal Growth
Published in
4 min readJun 29, 2017


Then, the Australian stumped me with this question:

“I understand, mate. But what TOPICS should I write about?”

I’d been extolling the benefits of stream-of-consciousness writing with a new friend halfway across the world. I think I sounded like some kind of wizard.

“Start writing, and the ideas will flow!” I exclaimed, rubbing my magic crystal ball and straightening my aluminum foil hat.

Can I be honest with you? For me, that’s exactly how it works. I get 15 ideas by the time I hop out of the shower. The pour through my pores from every point of my awareness. Then, I write about one concept and come up with 6 more. This is the infinite ideas life.

But it wasn’t always that way.

There was I time I’d spend weeks without a single keystroke. “There’s nothing new to write,” I would say.

How silly.

Sometimes, you simply need a guide. Your creative block may not an issue of output, but of input. A single word or sentence at the right time can send you flying.

Here are the best prompt providers I’ve seen lately.

1. Writer’s Digest Creative Prompts

