9 Top Rated Language Courses

Personal Growth
Personal Growth
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3 min readJul 24, 2023
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Some of these courses are free. But if you decide to purchase anything through the links below, the editor of Personal Growth (Dan — that’s me writing this) will receive a percentage of the sale as a finders fee. Thank you for your support. None of these courses or websites are recommendations. All I know is the courses below seem to have high ratings. The descriptions below are copied and pasted from the host websites.

Chinese for Beginners

This is an ABC Chinese course for beginners, including introduction of phonetics and daily expressions. After taking this class, learners can have a basic understanding of Chinese Mandarin and have basic conversations.

Chinese In 9 Weeks: Introduction Course

Learn the most important Chinese concepts and words to build on and get started speaking and reading Chinese (Mandarin). You will learn to read and even write simple stories completely in Chinese, and have a simple conversation — introducing yourself and a bit more.

First Step Korean

This is an elementary-level Korean language course. The main topics include basic expressions used in everyday life, such as greetings, introducing yourself, talking about your family, etc. Each lesson covers dialogues, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and role-plays.

Russian Made Easy — Accelerated Learning for Russian

Using modern techniques like contextual learning, construction branching, pattern recognition for grammar and multiple native speakers, this course teaches beginner’s Russian in a fun, efficient style.

Improve your French Now

In this course, you will have a series of videos on different topics (France, French culture, idioms, interviews and stories). The objective is to get immersed in real spoken French to improve your listening skills, your global comprehension, and your general French level.

Start speaking German with the Modal verbs

Learn everything you ever wanted to know about the German modal verbs — who they are, what they usually do, who their friends are, and what they do together. You’ll see that the modal verbs are really useful in your everyday conversations, and that by knowing them, your speaking and writing skills will greatly improve.

German Made Simple: A Complete Course for Serious Learners

Whether you are a complete beginner, too busy for a language class, or needing to brush up before a vacation or business trip, this is the course for you. It covers all four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing, and you can enjoy the freedom and flexibility to learn at your own pace.

Fastbreak Spanish: Save Time and Memory

This course is intended for any person willing to learn to speak Spanish in a quick and effective way. No previous knowledge is required. You’ll learn basic pronunciation and grammar, irregular verbs, basic sentences and useful phrases, basic dialog with repetition, substitution and response drills, etc.

Online Japanese N5 Course (All 15 lessons)

This course is for beginners wanting to study general Japanese, learners who want to study entry level business Japanese, and those taking the JLPT N5. Master the basics of writing and pronunciation of Japanese vocabulary, be able to have short simple conversations in daily life, and more.

