9 Ugly Truths About Life Most People Don’t Want to Accept

Sinem Günel
Personal Growth
Published in
7 min readJun 16, 2022


Photo by Chevanon Photography on Pexels

If we had to choose between an uncomfortable truth and a pleasant lie, most of us would happily take the lie. We often say we want to know the truth but make comfortable decisions that sugarcoat reality.

In reality, we seek comfort instead of truth because we’re afraid of dealing with challenges. Yet, we all know that this is just a race to nowhere.

In the end, we need to face those difficulties anyway, and accepting them early on just makes our lives a whole lot easier.

You can walk away (and so can anyone else)

So many people stay stuck in toxic relationships or places because they think they need to. Yet you can always walk away and start from scratch.

Leaving people and places behind might be painful, but we sometimes need to make those hard decisions so we can experience an easier life in the future.

The harsh truth is that people, expectations, and goals can change. And when things change, you’re allowed to make changes too. That’s the beauty of being a human.

Hard work doesn’t always lead to “success”

Today’s toxic culture makes so many people believe they’ll be rich and successful if they only work hard

