9 Uncomfortable Truths You Should Accept Early in Life

First, they might hurt. But in the end, they’ll make you happier.

Sinem Günel
Personal Growth
Published in
7 min readOct 15, 2021


Photo by Daniel Borges from Pexels

We all want to know the truth, but if the truth is uncomfortable, we get annoyed and wish we never heard about it at all. The reality is, most people don’t want to face the uncomfortable truths of life, even if they say they do.

They just want to live with their blinds on and avoid as many problems and difficulties as possible.

While this might first sound comfortable, it eventually leads to an unfulfilling and repetitive life.

And in the worst case, denying the uncomfortable truths will make it harder for you to take responsibility and design your own life.

If you constantly choose comfort over courage, you’ll end up being the puppet of others. If you, however, manage to embrace the following truths, you might be able to design an extraordinarily fulfilling life.

You Should Either Have a Partner Who Supports Your Dreams or No Partner at All

Being around people who’re trying to keep you small is painful. And if it’s your partner who’s trying to ignore your dreams, it hurts even more.

