A Mindset For Tough Times

With each calm response, the next emotional battle gets easier

Thomas Oppong
Personal Growth


Photo by Nathan McBride on Unsplash

In the past, big decisions used to trigger intense stress. I worried a lot about the uncertainties about my future. But looking too far ahead was doing more harm than good. Even small problems would snowball into major stress, draining my energy. I couldn’t focus on my present experiences.

It was exhausting, not to mention unproductive.

I’ve been practicing what I call “name and tame,” for over two years.

For every challenging experience, I identify my triggers — the things that send my brain into overdrive. Once I know my enemy, I can start to disarm it. If I can stop a tough experience from spiralling, I quickly intervene.

Whether it’s a helpless feeling, stress about a future event, or emotional overload, I become very conscious of it very quickly. Once I know what pushes my buttons, I can prepare. I can avoid unnecessary exposure or plan coping mechanisms in advance.

Sometimes, detaching from a bad experience means simply taking a step back. When I feel the familiar prickle of anxiety, I pause. I take a few deep breaths, letting the oxygen flood my body and calm the rising tide. Maybe I step outside for a quick walk.



Thomas Oppong
Personal Growth

Making the wisdom of great thinkers instantly accessible. As seen on Forbes, Inc. and Business Insider. For my popular essays, go here: https://thomasoppong.com