A Quick Meaning of Nietzsche’s Übermensch (‘Superman’)
“I am who I must be.”
Übermensch is often misunderstood as a call for a superior human ‘race’. The controversial 19th-century philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche’s Übermensch isn’t a superhero. He’s not stronger, faster, or able to fly.
The Übermensch is self-becoming and self-overcoming.
It represents what you and I can become.
It’s overcoming all the limited realities, beliefs, and concepts society want you to follow without question. The Übermensch is a social being, but he’s not defined by it. He uses society as a springboard, not a cage. You just don’t follow basic rules; you write them. You don’t fear life; you take on the fate of the human condition and rise above the suffering.
We inherit so many beliefs, morals, and rules. Many define our life trajectories, but they might not be ours. The Übermensch questions everything.
He doesn’t blindly follow but aims to find a personal path forward.
“The overman…Who has organized the chaos of his passions, given style to his character, and become creative.Aware of life’s terrors, he affirms life without resentment” Nietzsche said.
The Übermensch says yes to life, even the pain. Transform your struggles into strengths…