Action is The Antagonist to Overthinking

Rule number one: break the cycle by taking a proactive step

Thomas Oppong
Personal Growth


Photo: Liza Summer/Pexels

Overthinking (the excessive use of mental energy) at the detriment of your health is exhausting and holds us back from making real progress.

When you are in the habit of retreating by default, you rarely make progress.

Overthinkers are stuck in a cycle of inaction.

They’ve convinced themselves that the worst thing they can do is take action.

They write but can’t convince themselves to publish. They read but rarely commit to the good habits they find in good books.

They know what to do but can’t get off the thinking train to take action. Everything unfamiliar becomes a reason to procrastinate.

There are also health implications of spending too much time in your head.

“Persistent overthinking can result in a wide range of symptoms such as insomnia, trouble concentrating and loss of energy which, in turn, often leads to further worries regarding one’s symptoms, thereby creating a vicious cycle of overthinking, says Pia Callesen, a therapist and metacognitive specialist.

Overthinking leads to action paralysis.



Thomas Oppong
Personal Growth

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