The Man Who Changed History Twice in a Single Moment
Meet Alan Turing
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4 min readMar 29, 2017
The first time I heard Alan Turing’s name was in a computer science class where we studied different kinds of basic machines and how they work. One of them was called a Turing machine. Alan invented it.
In modern academia, the focus lies on the theoretical model behind the machine, but this is what his implementation looked like:
It looks big and clunky and mysterious, but on the inside, you can imagine it a bit like this:
A Turing machine really only does a few things:
- It moves a tape back and forward. The tape has symbols on it, each written down in a single cell.
- The machine reads these symbols, one at a time.
- Then, it decides what outputs to generate based on the inputs it receives.
- Finally, it writes the output on the tape and moves on to the next cell.