How Will You Make the World A Better Place?

Your legacy is a footprint in the sand of time.

Gustavo Razzetti
Personal Growth


Try not to become a man of success — but rather a man of value.” — Albert Einstein

The value of your life goes beyond yourself.

Your actions and emotions influence everyone you touch. You change others. The memories you create live in others — they become part of who they are.

American poet Henry Longfellow wrote: “Lives of great people remind us we can make our lives sublime and, departing, leave behind footprints in the sand of time.”

Your legacy is like an echo — it will continue resonating once you are gone.

Choose your words wisely; turn your story into something worth listening over and over. If you think you are too young to design your legacy, you are wrong. Start now.

What footprint will you leave in the sand of time?

Let your path inspire others to walk in your footsteps.

Your legacy is much more than a memory

“The greatest gift is a portion of thyself.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson



Gustavo Razzetti
Personal Growth

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