Do You Know Why You Need Crickets in Your Life?

What singing bugs taught me about renewal

John P. Weiss
Personal Growth
Published in
6 min readJul 26, 2019


Illustrations by John P. Weiss

When I was a boy I used to love playing in the woods behind my parent’s house. High in the loving arms of an oak tree, my friends and I built a treehouse. From its platform, I could gaze out at the canopy of leaves and deer trails below. It was so peaceful.

On summer days I would retreat to the treehouse to sketch, daydream and relax. My favorite time of day was dusk when the last rays of sunlight left a soft, warm glow across the woods. Then, as the light receded, I’d start to hear them.

A simpler time

A few of the bravest crickets began their chirps. Others would soon follow, and the woods became a symphony of music. It was magical and dreamlike.

Ever since those halcyon days, whenever I hear crickets, they make me smile. They remind me of a simpler time, before the Internet, smartphones and the frenetic pace of modern living.

Speaking of a frenetic pace, that describes the last several months for me. As much as I love writing, cartooning and creating, it’s easy to immerse yourself to the point of drowning.

Between my writing and artwork schedule, I appeared on some cool podcasts and began work on a cartoon book. All of this…



John P. Weiss
Personal Growth

I write books, stories and essays about life, often illustrated with my photography and artwork.