Happy birthday to me

Jess Semaan
Personal Growth
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2016

A message I shared with friends on my birthday

Last year on that same day, I was miserable and lost. Today a year later, I can say that I have not been more happier. What changed? I am still single (which felt like a failure to me all this time), I am moving countries with no solid plans, I have two more gray hair, and I am getting asked when will I freeze my eggs.

The truth is, what really changed this year was within. I have really began living naked (figuratively, and to my close friends literally) — I have shed the layers of needing to be successful, to be married, to be always on top of my shit, always kind…. AND by doing that I embraced the following

1) I am an artist at heart, and want to spend a lot of my time writing and creating

2) I want to have a partner but it is going to be different from the consensus society, and at my own timeline

3) I want to live close to nature, and spend a lot of time on personal growth because I am passionate about it and see the world through it

4) What matters most to me is to continue living by my values: Love, Truth and Self-expression

5) I have a voice as an Arab woman and it is only going to get louder

6) I have the greatest friends and family in the world and I can never be more grateful for that

7) I feel deeply, and I want to continue learning to embrace these emotions and turn them into art

8) Paleo, my therapist and Crossfit are the best

9) I cannot do this journey without the readers from around the world who are supporting me through comments, hearts, and just by reading my words

10) Growing old has been scary when I was not actually growing within. When I started doing the work I realized that growing older is beautiful, freeing and humbling

Thank you for being part of my journey.

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