Have We Forgotten How to Take Care of One Another?

Whatever happened to the Golden Rule?

John P. Weiss
Personal Growth
Published in
8 min readJun 12, 2020


Artwork by John P. Weiss

Nearly five centuries before Jesus Christ, the Chinese philosopher Confucius taught, “Do not do unto others what you do not want done to yourself.” The three Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam echo this teaching, which is known as “The Golden Rule.”

The best of these religions is about behaving better. Embracing love and compassion. Learning to dethrone yourself from the center of your world and putting others there.

However, man is also a political animal. Often people don’t want to be compassionate. They want to be right. So much ugliness is committed in the name of being right.

Karen Armstrong is a British author and commentator of Irish Catholic descent. She is known for her books on comparative religion. A former Roman Catholic religious sister, her faith evolved from a conservative to a more mystical Christian faith.

In 2009 Armstrong delivered a powerful TED talk titled, “Let’s Revive the Golden Rule.” Her talk was delivered 11 years ago, but the message seems more urgent than ever.

Watch Armstrong’s compelling TED talk below:



John P. Weiss
Personal Growth

I write books, stories and essays about life, often illustrated with my photography and artwork. JohnPWeiss.com.