Have We Lost Ourselves to Technology?
Never summon a power you can’t control
It was a Friday afternoon at Sonoma State University, and I survived another soporific lecture in constitutional law.
As soon as class got out, I sprinted like a gazelle across the lawn of the duck pond towards the student union. I didn’t want to be late meeting my friends.
It was a beautiful day.
Students were tossing a frisbee on the lawn surrounding the duck pond, and two guys were arguing with a portly goose who’d snatched their errant hacky sack. A group of students sat on the grass listening to a young woman playing her guitar.
The sun was warm, and a magical breeze danced through the tree foliage.
When I arrived at the student union, it was bustling with students, staff, and activity. I bounded up the stairs until I reached the top floor, where the Lobos’s Pizza and Pub was located.
I strolled through the pub and noticed my friends on the outside deck, waving to me.
“Last one here buys the first pitcher,” one of my friends said. “Fine, but then you’re on the hook for pizza,” I countered.
And there we sat, basking in the sun, listening to classic rock from the outdoor speakers. We poured beer into our pint…