How My Negativity Almost Ruined My Life

And What I Did to Change

Jeff Barton
Personal Growth
Published in
5 min readMay 30, 2018


I’m a big believer in trying to remain positive whatever the situation.

But this wasn’t the case a few years ago.

I used to be a very negative person. I was cynical all the time. In my previous profession, I dealt with a lot of the bad in the world and it made me a person who you did not want to be around. It was hard to be around myself.

Negativity kept me isolated because I thought the worst of others. I had the view that everyone was inherently bad and had ulterior motives no matter the situation. And I trusted no one.

Friends left. I avoided family. I was alone.

It led to depression, anxiety, and drinking all the time.

My negativity was helped along by all the complaining I did. I complained about everything and anything. It was always someone else’s fault instead of my own. I didn’t take responsibility for my actions or emotions.

It was evident in my work and my attitude. Rarely was I positive. And it almost destroyed me.

Photo by Jean Gerber on Unsplash



Jeff Barton
Personal Growth

Dad, trail/ultra runner, orophile & aspiring recluse. I write about life, mental health, and running. Starting life over. Creator of Runner’s Life.