How to Conquer Perfectionism Before it Beats You

Perfectionism is a lifestyle, not a standard.

Gustavo Razzetti
Fearless Culture


Pic by @bekahrussom/ Unsplash

Perfectionism is an illusion — we believe it makes us better but actually harm us.

I used to struggle to start writing. I fell prey to the ‘first-line-syndrome’ — I fear that, if I couldn’t catch my reader’s attention immediately, they’ll click away. However, the more I tried to find the perfect line, the more I got stuck.

That’s the problem with perfectionism — we focus on what’s missing or broken and can’t make progress.

It’s one thing striving to be your best and another it’s trying to be perfect.

The pressure to become better and better has turned into an epidemic. The World Health Organization links severe anxiety disorders to the excessive standards we hold for ourselves.

Perfectionism rarely generates personal satisfaction — we don’t achieve perfection, but disappointment.

Perfectionism Is Anything but Flawless

“Perfectionism is self-abuse of the highest order.”
― Anne Wilson Schaef



Gustavo Razzetti
Fearless Culture

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