How to Create a Keystone Habit Calendar

The simple tool that will help you feel great and perform at your very best.

Patrik Edblad
Personal Growth
Published in
5 min readAug 25, 2020


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

I’ve tried countless self-improvement strategies over the years.

Most of them were fruitless. Some were somewhat useful. And a few were life-changing.

The strategy I’m going to tell you about today belongs in the latter category.

It’s super-simple, and yet it can have a considerable impact on how you think, feel, and perform every day.

To understand how it works, I first need to emphasize…

The Power of Keystone Habits

Have you ever noticed how some of your habits tend to “spill over” and affect other aspects of your life? These are your keystone habits.

As an example, one of my keystone habits is running.

Whenever I run consistently, a series of positive knock-on effects follow: I sleep better, I’m way more productive, I eat healthier, and I feel better in general.

Conversely, whenever I don’t run consistently, my sleep suffers, my productivity declines, I eat more junk, and I feel much worse.

Just like a keystone at the top of an arch holds other stones in place, running is one…



Patrik Edblad
Personal Growth

I write about timeless ideas and science-backed strategies to feel great and perform at your very best. Get more from me at