How To Deal With The Ups and Downs Of Life

Understanding cycles will only help you to understand where you are now.

Darius Foroux
Personal Growth
Published in
5 min readFeb 24, 2020


Up and down. That’s how you can describe real life in three words. But instead of accepting that life is cyclical, and that bad times are normal, we expect that we should always be on an upward cycle.

Almost everything we do involves other people. And because we’re emotional and inconsistent beings, outcomes are not consistent. Value investor and author of The Most Important Thing, Howard Marks explains this concept as follows:

“Mechanical things can go in a straight line. Time moves ahead continuously. So can a machine when it’s adequately powered. But processes in fields like history and economics involve people, and when people are involved, the results are variable and cyclical.”

We can extend that conclusion to life in general. I can’t think of a human process that’s not cyclical. Take personal energy. It would be great if our energy would be consistently high, wouldn’t it? But most of us have days we feel great, and we have days we feel like a bag of potatoes.



Darius Foroux
Personal Growth

I write about productivity, habits, decision making, and personal finance. Join my free weekly newsletter here: