How To Dramatically Sharpen Your Attention And Focus

Mike Sturm
Personal Growth
Published in
6 min readAug 16, 2017


There is so much information available, and new information is coming to light at a break-neck pace. How do you decide which information is important, and process the information that is? The answer is simple: you have to pay attention. Not just be aware, but actually focus — be attentive, process and make connects.

You need to be able to fully engross yourself in conversations, read between the lines of text to see what isn’t said that is important, and you have to be able to construct a context in order to gain better understanding of what’s happening — both in professional and personal environments.

But how do you train yourself to be that attentive? How can you develop that kind of insane focus? The first step is to understand how attention works.

As it turns out, attention has 3 components to it. There are also 2 modes of attention — modes that can compete with each other. Knowing how attention works and which type you need to use will go a long way in helping you to harness the exponential power of attention.


  1. The Anatomy of Attention
    1A. The 3 Components of Attention
    1B. The 4 Types of Attention
  2. How to Harness the Right Kind of Attention
    2A. The “Mode Switch”
    2B. Preparation and Pre-Processing



Mike Sturm
Personal Growth

Creator: — A simpler personal productivity system. Writing about productivity, self-improvement, business, and life.