How to Encourage the Candle Flame of Your Life to Dance Sooner

Your dreams don’t want you to get ready, they want you now

John P. Weiss
Personal Growth
Published in
6 min readJun 20, 2021


The late artist Rick Howell. Photo (used with permission): Eric Swanson

Sometimes the most insignificant moment can change the whole trajectory of your life. That’s what happened to Rick Howell.

Rick used to manage a stock brokerage firm, but his true passion was landscape painting. Late one afternoon, Rick was driving home after a long day at the office.

A scruffy guy in an open-top jeep pulled up beside Rick. The jeep guy had a dog on the seat next to him. He didn’t look like he had much, but he looked free and happy.

Free and happy.

Two things that Rick, at that moment, realized he wanted for himself. Managing a stock brokerage firm paid well, but it didn’t ignite the flames in his heart.

Rick decided then and there that he would quit the stock brokerage and pursue his passion for landscape painting, full-time. It may have been a leap of faith, but sometimes the pain of where you are is worse than the pain of leaving.

“We often are so scared of taking that leap of faith either to connect with people, or to allow ourselves to be ourselves without judging, that we stay…



John P. Weiss
Personal Growth

I write books, stories and essays about life, often illustrated with my photography and artwork.