How to enjoy your work rather than stressing about it?

Lessons learnt from moving too fast and messing up

Shreya Dalela
Personal Growth


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Time and again, I have found myself rushing too fast.

Mostly, I have little patience and too much energy. So I just go about channeling it into one thing or the other.

But over time, through a set of events I came to the realisation that ‘rushing’ had become my general personality trait.

See, I don’t deny that speed is important. The speed at which you move does contribute a lot to your success. In fact, this quote by Mark Zuckerberg ‘Move fast and break things’ — always stays in my head as a reminder to keep moving things at a pace.

But I have realised that moving fast shouldn’t mean that you keep moving back and forth to fix things that you break repeatedly.

That just ends up with you wasting a lot of time, energy and resources. There is always a cost to every mistake you make.

I will elaborate a bit about that point.

For instance, while trying to build something big, if you do not invest enough time in laying the foundation…



Shreya Dalela
Personal Growth

Copywriter & Digital Strategist. Helps companies and individuals create a powerful brand voice and effective content marketing strategies.