How to Get Started as a Fiction Writer on Medium

7 Tips to Get Noticed as a Storyteller on Medium

Tom Farr
Personal Growth


by Tom Farr

A couple months ago I published a post on Medium called “Why Fiction Writers Should Find a Home on Medium.” It was, admittedly, an attempt to see how many fiction writers other than myself were on Medium and to see if Medium actually could be a viable place to post fiction. Though the platform predominantly features non-fiction writers and posts, I did discover that there are a number of fiction writers on here. And I do believe Medium is a viable place for fiction writers. My own story Extraction, a thriller story released in episodes has been doing fairly well (though I’d like it to reach even more people).

My first post addressed the why, and this is my attempt to address the how. Below I’m going to outline some of the things I’ve done or that I’ve seen others do to get their stories noticed.

1. Write a Great Story

That’s a given, right? But seriously, though, if you want people to read your story, you have to give it all you’ve got. If you have a great story, there are people who want to read it; you and those people just haven’t connected yet. Writing a great story is the first step in making that connection.

2. Don’t Just Write Fiction

This one might seem difficult if all you want to do is write fiction, but if you want to find readers on Medium, you often have to get noticed as a non-fiction writer first. I often write about writing since I’m a high school English teacher, and this is how many readers first encounter my work.

I try to write interesting stories and include a mention that I also write fiction and a link to one of my stories. It also helps if you include in your bio a link to your best fiction piece.

Sometimes you have to earn people’s respect in the sphere of thought leaders, whether that’s in creativity, productivity, entrepreneurship, or whatever, before you can get the interest of people for your fiction.

3. Join a Publication

Whether you’re a fiction or non-fiction writer on Medium, one of the biggest keys to getting noticed is getting your work picked up by a publication on Medium. That way you get your work in front of the readers that already follow that publication. If you’re writing non-fiction alongside your fiction, getting your non-fiction posts into a publication is just as important as your fiction.

One of my favorite fiction writers on Medium is N. Mozart Diaz, and I love reading the stories that are a part of a publication he’s an editor for, Two Thousand Words. The Coffeelicious is also a solid publication you might want to try. Some others I’ve contributed to are Curiosity Never Killed the Writer, The Unlisted, and Writer, Reader, and Lover of Words. There are a host of others on Medium to check out. You can also create your own publication. That’s what I did with my story Extraction.

4. Market Your Stories

Being a fiction writer who gets noticed requires a certain level of marketing ability. Don’t just write a new story. Write a separate non-fiction post that talks about your story and gives people a reason to read it. Include a link at the end to the story. (Notice how many times I’ve included a link to my story Extraction so far?)

The key to good marketing is creating a headline that makes people want to read. Of course, don’t just create click bait. Nobody will want to read your work then.

5. Promote Your Stories on Social Media

Don’t just post to Medium and hope people will click on your story. Posts have a way of disappearing quickly on Medium, so going outside of Medium is important. Whether you use Twitter, Facebook, or any other social network, promote your stories and try to get people interested in reading. If you have people that you think would enjoy your work, ask them to read it and share if they enjoy it.

6. Network with Other Fiction Writers

Medium may seem like a predominantly non-fiction medium, but there a lot of fiction writers on here as well. I read a lot of their work and recommend it when I enjoy it. Respond to people’s work on Medium. Leave notes. Ask other people to read your stuff. They may not, but it doesn’t hurt to ask. Fiction writers have found a way to find each other on here, so if you’re a fiction writer, make yourself known as well.

7. Tag Your Work as Fiction

Medium lets you add tags to your posts. If someone’s following a certain tag, then your post should ideally show up in their feed if your post has that tag. Fiction seems like the clearest tag to use as a fiction writer, so it seems like a good idea to use it.

Share Your Tips for Getting Noticed

Are you a fiction writer on Medium? I’d love for you to share your experience with getting readers for your stories on Medium. Please share in a response below.

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Tom Farr is a writer, teacher, and storyteller who believes in crafting lies to tell the truth. When he’s not enjoying the good life with his beautiful wife Lindsey and their three much-adored children, he’s striving to create stories that thrill and inspire and preparing for the day Disney calls him to write a Star Wars movie. He’s also a contributing editor for Made Up Words. His work has also appeared on Panel & Frame, Wordhaus, Curiosity Never Killed the Writer, and The Unsplash Book. Check out his fiction writing portfolio on Medium.



Tom Farr
Personal Growth

Tom is a writer and high school English teacher. He loves creating and spending time with his wife and children. For freelancing, email