How to Lose Your Mind and Find Your Soul

It’s in the stillness that you will find restoration

John P. Weiss
Personal Growth
Published in
5 min readJun 17, 2022


All photos by John P. Weiss

“And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul”
-John Muir

There’s a small park not far from my home where I escape to walk my dogs, think, and enjoy nature.

I named this little oasis “Grackle Hill” after the feisty birds that populate the trees, screeching at me as they defend their territory and nests.

During the height of the COVID pandemic, Grackle Hill became a refuge of sorts. In mornings and late afternoons the dogs and I would enjoy the cool grass, tree shade, soft breeze, and fresh air.

Sometimes, I’d bring a small journal to write and sketch, but usually I’d simply enjoy the exercise and sense of freedom. Occasionally, I’d encounter other dog walkers, but mostly I had Grackle Hill to myself.

On days that my wife (a hospice nurse) works, I often send her photos and short videos of my outings to enjoy on her breaks. So that she can vicariously experience a bit of Grackle Hill’s simple charm and restorative magic.



John P. Weiss
Personal Growth

I write books, stories and essays about life, often illustrated with my photography and artwork.