Truth is an Illusion: How to Free Yourself from Dogma

Find the middle way.

Gustavo Razzetti
Personal Growth


Truth is fluid — Pic by @elijahsad

Dogmas are like two donkeys tied together — the more you pull towards your side, the less you will accomplish.

Both want to eat off the bushes that are on each side of the road, but the rope isn’t long enough.

Both donkeys pull hardly hoping to drag the other to their side. They pull and pull, but none move an inch. The animals become very frustrated — no one could reach its bush. So, they stop and try to figure out how to eat.

“What if we work together?” — both donkeys say simultaneously.

The animals decide to take turns. They would move together towards one bush and eat from it. They could then move to the other side and eat from another bush.

Beliefs blind you.

When you think in absolutes, the only ‘bush’ that matters is the one that you can see. You can’t acknowledge other sides— even if the other party is trying to accomplish the same goal.

That’s the illusion of being objective: when you believe you possess the truth, your subjective beliefs blind you from seeing other options.

The paradox of objectivity

“Contemplation is the silent perception of…



Gustavo Razzetti
Personal Growth

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