How to Stop Feeling Tired All the Time

7 simple rules you can follow to increase your energy level.

Sinem Günel
Personal Growth
Published in
8 min readMar 4, 2021


Photo by Juan Vargas from Pexels

Do you ever feel like you lack the energy and motivation to finish simple daily tasks? As if you feel exhausted, no matter how much sleep you get or how many cups of coffee you pour into your body?

If your answer is yes, you’re not alone.

Even though feeling tired is not our natural state, it’s the daily reality for most people. Yet, there’s a major problem with this constant state of exhaustion: It influences all areas of your life.

If you feel exhausted, you’ll struggle to show up as your best self and it’ll be challenging to be passionate about pretty much anything.

Passion, however, is what drives us forward and empowers us to make great things happen.

The good news, however, is that you can make a shift and become a more energetic person without excessive amounts of coffee or synthetic energy boosters.

Instead, you can try some simple strategies that, if practiced regularly, will naturally boost your energy level and mood.

Stop Living in Boxes

According to Tony Robbins, the secret to feeling more energized is to stop living in a box.

