I Have No Clue Where My Life Is Headed

And I’m Completely Fine With It

Jeff Barton
Personal Growth
Published in
4 min readApr 24, 2018


I used to think I knew what I was doing when it came to life. I had everything figured out. The house, the family, and the stable job. For a while, life was really good. Or so I pretended.

My life is unrecognizable compared to one year ago. It’s completely changed.

That is life. Your life can turn a complete 180° sometimes. It can change in an instant. And when someone says that phrase, many of us believe that change is bad.

But instant change can also be good.

Photo by Adam Birkett on Unsplash

If I look back now, I’ve never had life figured out. I followed what was expected and what everyone else was doing. I was faking it.

And it made me believe I was in control.

But the truth is, I’ve never been in control. Until now.

“There are only a few who control themselves and their affairs by a guiding purpose; the rest do not proceed; they are merely swept along, like objects afloat in a river. And of these…



Jeff Barton
Personal Growth

Dad, trail/ultra runner, orophile & aspiring recluse. I write about life, mental health, and running. Starting life over. Creator of Runner’s Life.