I Wrote A Dear John Letter To God

Why it happened and how I renewed my relationship with Him again

Personal Growth
Published in
6 min readMar 31, 2018


by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

​What I knew

As far as I knew, God was the creator of all things great and beautiful, all things big and small. In my limited understanding of the world, everything small and big was great and beautiful, like its creator.

Every storybook, every nursery rhyme; every children’s game, every bedtime prayer taught me about how great and caring this God of mine was. I was in love with my God. I never wanted to make Him angry. I surrendered to all that was good about my God because I was a child, and that’s the closest I ever came to being like my God.

I had no reason to doubt my teachers, the priest, or my parents. My world was secure and happy,

…until I crossed over to the other side when I went to high school.

For the first time in my tethered life, I was introduced to my first philosophy class. Little by little I started to feel smarter than the creator of all things; so smart that I started to question and test my God.

What kind of God

-lets children starve?



Personal Growth

‘Ordinary’ INFJ. Slow-Reader. Learner/Enthusiast. Nature-lover. Lives reverently in healing frequency. Believer: Miracles & Kindness. Writes for YOU 💗 No bling