If you can get one day right, you have a shot at getting your life right
Own today, own your life
The Greek philosopher of Ephesus and poet Heraclitus said:
“One day is equal to every day.”
“He meant it in the sense that philosophers have always meant that same idea — that if you can get one day right, you have a shot at getting your life right (and that you should try to get today right, because tomorrow is no guarantee)” explains Ryan Holiday.
Every day has 24 hours, the sun rises and sets, a cycle repeated endlessly. But Heraclitus delves deeper. He observed that every single single day is the essence of all time.
Own today, and you will likely create a ripple effect that will influence your actions tomorrow.
Heraclitus’ idea ties into Stoicism, a philosophy that emphasises living virtuously in the present moment.
A simple realisation that each day has the potential for good or bad means we can focus on making the most of the present rather than dwelling on the past or fearing the future.
Heraclitus’ quote cuts through the illusion of time’s uneven flow. He reminds us that each day, stripped bare, holds the same fundamental elements.