The Miracle Habit

Fully immerse yourself in life. Let life surprise you. It’s there, waiting for you to see it in all its ordinary, extraordinary experiences

Thomas Oppong
Personal Growth


Photo by Diogo Nunes on Unsplash

Without awe and wonder, life can lose its excitement, becoming a monotonous cycle. Awe deprivation makes people feel disconnected from others, uninspired, and stuck in a boring routine.

Philanthropist, spiritual leader, and author Sadhguru could not be more right when he said, “There is magic everywhere. If you learn how to live it, life is nothing short of a daily miracle.”

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle,” Albert Einstein said.

Awe and the miracles of life are all about the tiny things.

The way a child laughs is uninhibited and pure. The strength in a stranger’s smile on a street. The resilience of a weed pushing through the soil. Each experience speaks to the tenacity of life.

Awe might seem an unobtainable luxury to many but, with the right approach, you can enjoy it daily — no mountain required,” writes Summer Allen of Psyche.

But we are so busy we take many experiences for granted.



Thomas Oppong
Personal Growth

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