If You’ve Got the Drive to Do It, Building These 4 Habits Is Definitely Worth It

Ask yourself: What’s the next right thing I can do?

Michael Thompson
Personal Growth
Published in
5 min readNov 21, 2020


When I turned 39 years old, a friend of mine asked me an interesting question: “Most people spend the first half of their lives collecting, and the second half determining what to keep. Now that you’re getting close to the top of the hill, what lessons do you plan to hold on to?”

At the time I didn’t have a clear answer, hence why I write, I get time to think. Since being asked this question, however, not a day has passed when I haven’t thought about it.

What lessons do you plan to hold on to?

It’s a good question.
Perhaps the best.

If my friend were to ask me today, I’d be more prepared and I’d start off by saying it doesn’t take a complete overhaul to change your life. If you have the drive to do it, there are certain small habits that can impact your life in a massive way. In fact, since being asked that question, I’ve not only reinvented my career. But at the age of 42, I’ve also never been in better physical shape. A big reason for that is because I now prioritize the four habits below.

1. Steal my mom’s genius piece of advice



Michael Thompson
Personal Growth

Co-creator of two cool kids • Storytelling Coach •.Fast Co., Insider, Forbes • Free storytelling guide here: https://bit.ly/3h1KZeT