It Gets Dark Before the Light

Jane Hwangbo
Personal Growth
Published in
2 min readDec 8, 2016
Photo: John Towner

“Where thoughts go, energy flows.” — a spiritual proverb

You were told not to be stupid, but you were already smart.

They convinced you that you needed to create an identity, but you were born perfect.

They said that you needed to exceed the average. It was a lie. Average people don’t exist in the real world.

You were unique. You were sorry that you were different.

They said they loved you, but they didn’t know how. (They tried their best.)

They demanded that you fight their demons for them because they failed. You tricked yourself into believing they were your demons.

If you were a boy, you needed to make enough money, said the people who failed at love.

If you were a girl, you were too fat or your hair was too curly, said the sad people who failed at love.

You bought the clothes. You bought the makeup. You bought the house. You bought everything that anyone would ever want, just in case.

You thought you were kind. No one bought it.

The ground beneath your feet began to shift violently. Doubt began to seep. You stopped believing you were smart. The days became long.

You took every relationship that had shown you unconditional love and smashed it to pieces.

You sighed with relief. There was nothing left to screw up.

You were finally alone. You let yourself cry. You stopped struggling. Everything became very still.

You thought you would die but your heart kept beating. It didn’t care what you thought.

Your heart stopped apologizing. It became quiet. You were still breathing.

You saw the upside to the blackness of the night. If you fell, you knew you could get up. It was hard at first.

You stopped fretting and you started exploring. You practiced falling.

From the dark, there comes the light. Thank god for the dark. Merry Christmas, everyone, and a happy New Year.

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