Jean-Paul Sartre’s 5 Principal Lessons For Life

We are condemned to be free

Thomas Oppong
Personal Growth


Photo: Jean-Paul Sartre by Avraham Shlonsky and Leah Goldberg/Wikimedia commons

Jean-Paul Sartre was a French philosopher, playwright, novelist, screenwriter, political activist, biographer, and literary critic, considered one of the leading figures in 20th-century French philosophy and Marxism.

Sartre was one of the key figures in the philosophy of existentialism: a philosophical movement that emphasises the individual’s freedom and responsibility to create their own meaning in life.

His work has had a profound influence on philosophy, literature, and politics. Sartre was a controversial figure, but he was also a brilliant thinker and a passionate advocate for human freedom.

Known for his profound insights into the nature of existence, freedom, and the individual’s role in society, Sartre’s ideas continue to resonate with readers and thinkers today.

Throughout his body of work, Sartre emphasised the importance of personal responsibility, authentic living, and the search for meaning in a seemingly absurd world.

1. “Existence precedes essence”

“Before you come alive, life is nothing; it’s up to you to give it a meaning, and value is nothing else but the…



Thomas Oppong
Personal Growth

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