My One-Word Rule to Live a More Fulfilling Life
Perhaps it will work for you?
Years ago, I was a police sergeant moonlighting as an editorial cartoonist with the county newspaper. My cartoons were edgy and sometimes hard-hitting.
Our county was small and it didn’t take long before locals figured out that Sergeant Weiss was the same “Weiss” guy drawing cartoons for the paper. Whenever folks disagreed with my cartoons they sent angry letters to the editor.
They also called the police chief to complain.
I loved cartooning and fantasized about becoming a full-time editorial cartoonist, but newspapers were floundering. Writers, photographers, and cartoonists were getting laid off.
The future of newspapers was bleak.
I enjoyed my law enforcement career and appreciated the salary, benefits, and security it provided for me and my family. So, I planned to stick with my police career and continue drawing editorial cartoons on the side.
But it was not to be.
The police chief was tired of getting phone calls about my cartoons. He called me into his office and…