Nietzsche: The Secret to Living Fully

A meaningful life is an artistic balance of pleasure and displeasure

Thomas Oppong
Personal Growth


Artwork: Friedrich Nietzsche (1906) by Edvard Munch

Friedrich Nietzsche is famous for his provocative and challenging ideas. His dense, multi-layered writings can seem impenetrable at first.

But once you get past the strange sentence structure and complex metaphors, Nietzsche’s work reveals insightful observations about the human condition.

Many of his observations are completely counter-intuitive, making them all the more striking and memorable. He often seems like an angry misanthrope who despises humanity almost as much as he loves it.

Nietzsche, a philosopher, poet, composer, and writer, didn’t just offer a new way of thinking about the world but urged his readers to embrace the whole experience of human existence without fear of risk, suffering, despair and meaninglessness.

“The discipline of suffering, of great suffering — do you not know that only this discipline has created all enhancements of man so far?” he said.

Often misunderstood as an apostle of nihilism and despair, his philosophy challenged the complacent optimism of 19th-century Europe and proposed instead that we should embrace our tragic destiny with courage and audacity.

Avoidance is the enemy



Thomas Oppong
Personal Growth

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