On False Expectations

Aleksandra Smelianska
Personal Growth
Published in
2 min readJul 30, 2015


The biggest pain introverts have in their life is about false expectations of other people. Our own false expectations that lead to constant disappointment.

Introverts are said to be not very sociable, but instead, we are very relational. We are striving to have deeper and more emotionally intimate relationships both with friends and loved ones. We demand that degree of emotional intimacy that many are not willing to give us.

That is the pain, as we expect other people to treat us as we would treat them. And it doesn’t work that way.

Stop expecting too much? Easy said than done.

Our sensitive nature makes us obsessed with the quality of relationships we have during the lifetime. No wish to have pointless chats, no need of casual, shallow or empty relationships.

We value close friendship and long for emotional intimacy. We long for someone we can trust and whom we can be open with.

Yes, that means we demand understanding, careful attention to our feelings, needs, thoughts and mood, protection and care. That’s a lot to expect.

But then, we give so much more in return.

We are great listeners, truly interested in what you think and how you feel.

We notice the little things. We seek to understand your needs.

We are trustworthy. And honest.

And we are the ones who really care.

Relationship with an introvert is something that may be hard to build and requires many efforts. But it’s always very special.

