Practicing The Subtle Art Of Detachment

Why taking a step back is as necessary as moving forward

Shreya Dalela
Personal Growth


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From everything that I recall about my life so far, I can say one thing with absolute certainty.

I have been an extremely passionate person.

Passionate about everything. Be it life in general, work, friendships, relationships. Bustling with energy, I have always liked to give my heart, my soul, my mind and my energy completely into things that matter to me.

I take the leap and I go all in like there is no middle spot.

And that always seemed to work for me. I was always on the high wave, getting things done, maintaining the happiest relationships and believing with certainty that I could achieve absolutely anything.

Until, I reached a day when the things that really mattered to me were at a point of collapse and I collapsed along with them.

And my story is not really unique in this sense.

Mental fatigue and burnout is almost like the epidemic of the century. Some of the brightest people with immense energy and passion go through this phase of extreme exhaustion which might last for months if not years.



Shreya Dalela
Personal Growth

Copywriter & Digital Strategist. Helps companies and individuals create a powerful brand voice and effective content marketing strategies.